
Biggest CBD Players

Written by Staff

Who are the biggest manufacturers on the scene?


As with any industry, there are certain companies which represent a greater percentage of the total market share. In the case of CBD, which is tied to the cannabis industry and is still an emerging market, that market share is still pretty widely diffused around. Corporations have not truly had the chance to step inside and conglomerate into giant blobs of industry like Microsoft of Apple who control so much of the technology around us. But, with the legalization of the market in Canada, and the increasing promise of federal legalization here at home, investors have been feeling more secure in the industry’s future and have been making serious strides in trying to increase the market share of the companies they control.

A look at the top ten hemp-derived CBD manufacturers showed that the companies with the largest market share are CW Hemp and PlusCBD Oil. And these two together represent as much market share as the eight companies that follow. So clearly some emergence of corporation growth and development has occurred in the industry even at this relatively early stage of development.

Besides looking at sales data and all, another interesting way to learn which companies represent the most dynamic, growing entities, is perhaps learning which are threatening the most to some. In 2017, the FDA sent four letters to who they consider to be the top CBD manufacturers. The FDA’s warning letters targeted companies in California, Florida and Colorado: Natural Alchemist, Greenroads Health, That’s Natural! and the Stanley Brothers, who produce CBD products under CW Botanicals and CW Hemp.

So, in a way, the federal government targeting these entities lets us know that they are the ones they are most concerned about, most afraid of. Notoriety is a powerful tool and there’s no reason why we as consumers can’t use it to figure out which companies currently on the market might end up being on top when legalization in the United States finally occurs and things on the corporate level settle down.

The CBD industry was projected by MarketWatch to grow almost 40% in the next three years. We don’t know which brand will be on top then, but we look forward to finding out.

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