CBG: What’s the deal with Cannabigerol?
Cannabigerol, or CBG, has recently resurfaced with a renewed interest from the cannabis and scientific communities. This cannabinoid is the precursor to the main cannabinoids most of us are familiar with (THC, CBD, CBC) but more recent studies are beginning to show the effects of concentrated CBG usage. These benefits range from antibacterial and analgesic effects to CBD’s interaction with both CB1 and CB2 receptors and the cannabinoids that promote and inhibit them.
What is CBG?
CBG was first discovered in 1964 as a component of hashish, and later in 1975, it was discovered that CBGa was the first cannabinoid that forms in the plant, and it’s first unique characteristic regarding composition. As mentioned, CBGa is the precursor to THCa, CBDa, and CBCa. Through a combination of heat and exposure to light, these cannabinoids are converted into THC, CBD, and CBC. The same processes turn CBGa into CBG.
As the plant begins to form CBG, enzymes break down the cannabinoid to create the other cannabinoids. This means that there is a finite amount of total chemical material, and a high concentration of one cannabinoid will mean lower concentrations of the others. Plants that are high in THCa have used up the majority of the CBGa available in order to produce these higher percentages, and therefore have less CBG (usually less than 1%). On the other hand, hemp crops and strains bred to be high in CBD offer a unique profile with higher concentrations of CBG.
CBG works on both CB1 and CB2 receptors is not psychoactive or psychotropic, meaning it won’t intoxicate you or get you “high.” It does interact with THC and the CB1 receptors and is believed to counteract some of the paranoid and “heady” feelings often associated with THC use. CBG’s interactions with the CB2 receptor are still being studied, and it is not yet known whether the compound inhibits or promotes activity at the receptor, though analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects have been documented in a fashion similar to CBD’s effects on that same receptor.
What is CBG used for?
As mentioned, CBG has, until recently, only accounted for a rather small percentage of cannabinoid intake; smokable flower from cannabis plants usually contains less than 1% of CBG by weight. As scientists have developed the ability to isolate the compound and harvest it at optimal times, they’ve been able to study its applications.
CBG is best harvested six weeks into an eight-week flower cycle and is often produced in small amounts, making it rather expensive and hard to get ahold of. That being said, even introducing small quantities of CBG into your system at 20:1 ratios would increase your intake by five-fold and could have a noticeable impact on your quality of life. CBG studies have found applications ranging from glaucoma to inflammatory bowel diseases and even as an appetite stimulant and anti-anxiety solution. It’s believed that CBG may be a GABA-inhibitor, which would decrease anxiety and muscle tension in the body in a similar way to CBD. Most recently, purified CBG was found to be a possible option for treating wasting diseases such as cachexia.
Where can I find CBG?
CBG is primarily found in hemp plants and cannabis strains that are high in CBD. If you don’t have access to those plants, we offer a variety of options and cannabinoid blends (CBD: CBG) that are all sourced from legal Colorado hemp and contain no THC. Our ratios are designed around the benefits of CBG in combination with CBD to offer a greater spectrum product without the burden of psychoactive or psychotropic substances that may have an adverse effect.
To learn more about our products or if you have further questions, contact us for more information.
Original Article: https://www.summitcbd.com/cbg-whats-the-deal-with-cannabigerol/