
FDA Announces Voluntary Recall Of A CBD Product, Warns Over COVID-19 Claims

Written by CBD Intel

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published an announcement of a product recall made voluntarily by a company after tests suggested the cannabidiol (CBD) oil contained too much lead.

Summitt Labs said a batch of its Kore Organic Watermelon CBD oil was found by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to contain lead levels at 4.7 parts per million (ppm).

The company tested another sample from the same batch and lot and found only 500 ppb (0.5ppm)–within the legal limit as defined by the state of Florida. However, in the interest of safety, they decided to proceed with the recall.

“Based on the test from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Summitt Labs initiated, and will complete, a full recall of Batch #730 Lot #K018 in full cooperation with the FDA and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,” Summitt added.

Meanwhile, FDA castigated another company for making claims that CBD–among other products–could cure or alleviate COVID-19.

The FDA warning to AgroTerra, which trades under the name Patriot Hemp Company, follows the same form as many of the other warning letters over claims related to COVID-19 and assorted medical claims issued by the agency.

The letter highlighted claims the FDA believed to be unsubstantiated, such as: “The best natural defense and treatment of coronavirus (and viruses in general) is a strong immune system…When your body is chronically stressed, your immune system suffers. With the spread of this potentially deadly coronavirus, stress will be high…consider CBD oil.”

AgroTerra was also criticized for making claims about a host of other products, ranging from colloidal silver to elderberry syrup. They were told to make immediate changes to rectify the claims.

The FDA said it would add the company to a list of firms on watch for unsubstantiated COVID-19 claims, which would be updated when the company took actions to rectify its website and other promotional activities.

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CBD Intel