
CBD For Fitness: Can CBD Be Used as a Pre- and Post-Workout Alternative?

Written by Lisa Rennie

We’ve all heard of CBD being used to alleviate pain, calm anxiety, and even reduce the severity and frequency of seizures, but what role can it play in pre-and post-workouts for the physically active?

A big one, actually. In fact, more and more athletes are incorporating CBD into their training regimens for many reasons. Big names like retired NFL defense lineman, Leonard Marshall and MMA fighter Chris Camozzi, have publicly admitted to using CBD and tout its benefits. They’ve even gone so far as to promote CBD and encourage their athletes to use it in place of traditional therapies.

So, why are athletes like these using CBD as part of their training regimen? What benefits can this cannabinoid serve as a pre- and post-workout supplement?

Reduce Pain and Speed Up Recovery

People who engage in physical activity on a regular basis are prone to muscle soreness. They may even be susceptible to injury as a result of their sporting activity. As such, pain is inevitably experienced as a result of both acute and chronic injury, as well as just simple muscle aches.

While many people might reach for pharmaceutical painkillers like NSAIDs or even opioids in more severe cases, such options are usually littered with potential side effects and hazards. Heartburn, upset stomach, and headaches have been reported as potential side effects of NSAIDs. Opioids have been linked to addiction in many cases.

Instead, CBD can serve as a safer, more natural alternative to such medications. And it doesn’t pose any dangers to addiction, either. Rather, CBD can be an effective alternative to combatting pain. Physically active individuals can use CBD topical products to be applied directly at the site of pain. Or else, they can consume CBD in other formats, such as vapes, tinctures, or capsules.

Protect Against Brain Injury

Many physically active individuals may participate in contact sports as a means to stay fit and active. But such sports – like football, hockey, and soccer, to name a few – also come with some inherent risks, including head trauma. Even just one blow to the head can prove to be catastrophic.

Consider this startling fact: as many any 87% of former pro NFL football players have exhibited some level of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is a serious and potentially fatal degenerative brain disease that’s caused by repetitive brain trauma.

Yet as serious as this is, athletes may be able to counter these effects by incorporating CBD into their pre- and post-workout regimens.

Studies have suggested that CBD may be able to offer protection against neurodegenerative disorders, such as CTE. While studies are still in their preliminary stages as far as how CBD plays a role in neuroprotection, this particular cannabinoid is showing a lot of promise in treating brain trauma.

Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Optimal body weight is often a big component to staying active, and CBD may be able to help in this particular department.

THC might stimulate the appetite, but CBD can actually do the opposite. CBD’s effect on the endocannabinoid system of the body – which is responsible for regulating specific responses in the body – can help to suppress the appetite. Not only that, but CBD can also boost the metabolism, which is important for both losing weight or maintaining it.

Serve as a Source of Vitamins and Minerals

People who are physically active typically maintain a healthy diet and may incorporate specific nutrients in their pre- and post-workout meals. CBD can make this easy because it comes packed with a host of different nutrients, including vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, omega-3, omega-6, fiber, and amino acids.

Nutrients like these are important for optimal health, and CBD can be a great source for such nutritional supplementation.

Final Thoughts

There are so many reasons why fitness enthusiasts may want to consider implementing CBD into their pre- and post-workout routine. From speeding up recovery, to maintaining a healthy body weight, to


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  2. Sifferlin, A. (2017, July 25). Brain Injury: CTE Found in 87% of Football Players’ Brains. Retrieved from http://time.com/4871597/degenerative-brain-disease-cte-football/
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About the author

Lisa Rennie

Lisa Simoneli Rennie has been working as a freelance writer for more than a decade, creating unique content dedicated to informing consumers. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with others, and in her spare time, Lisa enjoys trying funky new recipes, spending time with her dog, and of course, reveling in the joy of family.