The pros and cons of white-labeling CBD products in a new and expanding marketplace
Crocodiles will wait for months in the murky depths of a muddy water hole for a thirsty bison to stumble in for a drink.
Lions will chase down one-ton giraffes in an effort to feed their families. Hungry? What would you do to get to your food?
Would you eat something if you weren’t exactly sure where it came from?
When it comes to CBD products, some companies are using white-label suppliers.
Let’s examine the pros and cons of white-labeling CBD products.
Cons of Using a White Label for CBD Products
Requires research to find a good supplier.
Some white-label CBD comes straight from the manufacturer, others have been filtered through businesses. How far do you want to source from its origin?
While there are plenty of trustworthy suppliers on the market, there are just as many that should probably be avoided. That’s partly due to the next point.
The black market has leaked its way in.
With some products testing for dangerous compounds or possessing no CBD at all, it’s clear that some products are illegally making their way to the marketplace.
Due diligence is of the utmost importance when selecting a CBD white-label supplier.
Quality may be limited.
You might not be able to distribute the best product on the market. That’s because white-label products are generally made for the masses.
Pros of Using a White Label for CBD Products
Can trust the source.
Once you find a good source (maybe you can find one at the next CBD Health & Wellness Expo?), you’ll know you have a solid product.
The number of options for white-labeling products.
CBD companies can white-label just about anything on the market. Oils, tinctures, edibles, vapes, and more can all be white-labeled.
The bottom line.
White-labeling isn’t cost-prohibitive. It offers a cost-effective way for CBD companies to produce consumer goods.
The Consumer Decides What’s Best
You don’t have to take the risk of being kicked by a frightened giraffe to reap the benefits of white-labeling CBD.
You don’t have to be a starving crocodile slumbering in a mud pit to discover the cons of it, either.
Ultimately, your targeted consumer will decide if they will accept white-labeled CBD products. Is your brand bringing enough value to justify white-labeling your CBD products?
Image Credit: Vaporizer Blog