Aluminum cans are the standard container for most drinks in the marketplace. However, they may reduce the potency of cannabinoids found in infused beverages.
The cannabis beverage market has exploded, with numerous companies bursting onto the scene in the past few years with cannabinoid-infused drinks, including waters, teas, and fizzy beverages. But as this market grows exponentially, there are concerns that the cans these products come in may be negatively affecting their potency.
All aluminum beverage cans come with a liner, which prevents corrosive chemicals in carbonated and other drinks from interacting with aluminum. Unfortunately, these liners have a negative effect on cannabis drinks, as they leach cannabinoids out of the beverages they contain due to the liners’ chemical composition.
Although all cannabis products can expect to experience a loss in potency over time, the rate at which cannabinoid-infused beverages in aluminum cans lose their strength is troubling. In some cases, liners can cause these drinks to lose up to 70% of their potency just five days after being canned.
Because of this undesirable effect, some cannabis companies, such as Vertosa, a California business that specializes in infusion technology, have teamed up with can-liner companies to deal with this problem. And their efforts have been bearing fruit.
According to Vertosa’s chief science officer Harold Han, beverage potency loss has been reduced to a mere five to 10% four months after canning. This has been accomplished by modifying not only the can liners but also the beverages themselves.
Although the results of Vertosa’s and their partners’ work demonstrate a marked improvement, the industry still has a ways to go. According to Han, the numbers still need to be better. Customers who purchase cannabinoid-infused beverages should get what they pay for.
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