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The World of CBD Beverages & Seltzers

Written by Ben Fitzsimmons

Yes, cannabis-based drinks are real. There are many cannabidiol (CBD)-based products, but today we will be talking specifically about CBD beverages/seltzers.


What is CBD?

CBD  is one of the active compounds that can be found in cannabis plants.

You will not get “high” from CBD. The active compound from the cannabis plant that gets you “high” is called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD on its own will not induce psychotropic effects, but it is still psychoactive, meaning that it does affect your mind. It can make you feel more relaxed, feel less pain and even feel more comfortable. [1]


Are CBD beverages legal?

The answer: kind of. The legality of anything remotely cannabis related still heavily depends on what state you live in. Legally speaking, CBD products are considered “supplements” which are not FDA-regulated and cannot be advertised as having health benefits. [1] If the state you live in allows recreational use of cannabis-based products, then yes, CBD beverages are legal.

Keep in mind that some CBD products are not standardized and the composition can vary greatly, containing different amounts of CBD or THC in them than what is listed on their labels.

There is some evidence suggesting that CBD can help with certain health conditions, but the marketing teams of CBD products sometimes can go too far with the claims of what it can do.

If you’re interested in just looking for a new kind of drink to have in your daily routine, then picking up a CBD beverage could be something worth looking into.



[1] CBD products are everywhere. But do they work? Harvard Health. Published August 1, 2019.



About the author

Ben Fitzsimmons